Recruitment & Retention Coordinator Certification Courses

FREE! Recruitment & Retention Coordinator Certification Courses Choose your course June 26-27: 8am – 5pm Orange County, VA October 16-17: 8am – 5pm Botetourt County, VA Hone your skills in: - The “membership lifecycle” - “Selling” your department - Working with your leaders - Interacting with the public - Marketing for recruitment Come away with

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL – Curriculum Development and Formalization of Virginia Fire Officers Academy

The Virginia Fire Chiefs Association (VFCA) is seeking competitive proposals from qualified vendors to develop, transform, and formalize the current Virginia Fire Officers Academy (VFOA) program into a formal curriculum. The VFCA is a recipient of a Federal Emergency Management Agency Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant to promote the recruitment and […]


 Understanding and Navigating Generational Differences  For the first time ever, there are five, even six different generations in the workforce. Each generation has their own style of communicating and varying expectations for workplace interactions. So how can those in leadership roles prevent communication issues that obstruct information, hinder collaboration, and cost time and money? Join

Dealing with Difficult People featuring Jan Spence

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we lived in a world where everyone does what they are supposed to do, when they are supposed to do it, and the way WE want it done? Unfortunately, that is rarely a reality, especially for professionals who deal with a wide range of people in the workplace. Volunteers who

BEYOND HOSES & HELMETS – Putting the Pieces Together

OCTOBER 23-24 IN DINWIDDIE, VIRGINIA Presented by the Volunteer and Combination Officers Section of the IAFC  The future of organizations staffed with volunteers or a combination of volunteers and career members is at a critical junction. Leaders will have to demonstrate to their communities the value of volunteers in the delivery of emergency services through